Earning a college degree can be very expensive, especially for programs that require studying four years or longer. After college graduation, many communications majors go on to attend further schooling or to take low-paying jobs to begin their careers. One method to help keep college costs low is to utilize the many financial options available to hardworking students. While some awards are generalized for any college students, individuals enrolled as communications majors are specially qualified for these particular scholarships:
1. National Speakers Association Scholarships
Each year the National Speakers Association distributes six scholarships of $5,000 each to six deserving, full-time students. Applicants must be entering their junior or senior years of an undergraduate degree; transferring or accelerated learning students may also apply if they are entering or are beyond the second half of their undergraduate programs. The NSA scholarships are given to students who are actively speaking in public or who are interested in public speaking as part of their careers, and applications are evaluated according to the four key competencies established by the NSA: eloquence, expertise, enterprise and ethics. Although a public speaking video is option, the NSA encourages applicants to upload their videos to YouTube.
2. Gary Yoshimura Scholarship
Students currently pursuing a degree in a public relations field, who have a minimum 3.0 grad point average and who demonstrate a need for financial assistance may apply for this scholarship. With a late January deadline, the Gary Yoshimura Scholarship goes to a member of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and is worth $2,400 paid directly to the recipient’s college. Applicants must provide a letter of recommendation from an internship supervisor or faculty advisor as well as a 1,000-word essay that describes overcoming a personal or professional challenge.
3. New York Women in Communications Foundation Scholarships
The New York Women in Communications Foundation (NYWICF) awards 15-20 scholarships to female graduating high school seniors, undergraduates and graduate students living in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Pennsylvania who are pursuing a degree or further education in communications. These scholarships range from $2,500, $5,000 or $10,000, and most are supported by foundations or corporations that make it their mission to provide financial assistance for deserving recipients. Requirements for each scholarship varies, but all are chosen by a committee of NYWICF leaders who look at academic achievement, community service, honors, work experience and a statement of goals.
4. Michael Jackson Scholarship
The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) distributes this scholarship established by Michael Jackson, valued at up to $5,000 to African-American students who are majoring in communications or the performing arts at a UNCF-member college or university. Recipients may use the funds to pay for tuition, room and board, books or to repay federal student loans. Students are required to have a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average, and the application includes a prompted essay, a transcript and a completed application profile. The final award amount is determined by verified financial need.
5. Bayliss Foundation Radio Scholarship
For the past 23 years, the Bayliss Foundation has provided scholarships to undergraduate junior and senior students who have a 3.0 grade point average or higher and are leading the broadcast communications field. The Foundation offers a varying number of scholarships, depending on the current size of the endowment. Applicants with an extensive background in radio broadcasting are given preference, but demonstrated financial need is also part of the consideration. Interested students must submit three letters of recommendation as well as a descriptive essay that outlines their broadcasting goals.
These are just a few of the scholarships, endowments and fellowships available to communications majors. The communications field is broad, with many specialties, and the financial options are just as numerous for those interested in seeking assistance.