While there may be some differing opinions about what constitutes a good online communications degree program, the two main requisites are that it should teach students to communicate, and it should be online. That sounds tongue-in-cheek, but the qualities of the program, beyond the fundamental issues of basic communication, depend upon your concentration.
Basic Communication
Whether informally or in an organizational manner, communication is the way we pass on information to one another. It may be through oral means, writing or media. A good communications degree will include an overview of all these areas. It will then allow you to choose one area as your concentration and offer courses to bolster your knowledge and skills in that arena.
Business Writing versus Informal Writing
All writing is communication, but the goal of a communication degree is to teach skills that use writing in marketing or in other business areas. Communication degrees teach writing for a purpose beyond casual conversation. Even creative writing for television or film, video games and media presentations is goal-oriented. That kind of writing operates by different rules, and a good degree program teaches the basics of effective formal writing.
Public Speaking and Other Skills
Good communications degrees teach things like voice inflexion and word choice. They also deal with ways to manage your time effectively and how to use critical thinking to solve communication problems. They teach students how to work independently on projects and how to form and manage teams. Teamwork is valuable to the communications professional because projects often depend upon technology specialists, creative staff and people from other disciplines working together. An effective degree program will also give students an overview of communications technology.
The Online Component
A degree offered online should have the same content and value that a traditional program offers. The great thing about online learning is that it is flexible. Working adults can take courses when it is convenient for them. Within some limits, they can complete courses in as long as it takes them to master the content. Traditional formats, however, allow students to interact with their peers in class discussions. Good online programs require student participation in forums and online communities. In traditional programs students have the opportunity to ask questions and get input from their instructors. Good online communications programs should have portals to approach teachers online. Program advisors should be available to online students during certain hours as well. Resources are equally important to traditional students and online students. Good online communications programs should have accessible libraries and other resources. The last component is perhaps one of the most crucial. An online degree program should be accredited by a trusted and approved agency.
If you are thinking about a career in journalism, advertising, media, television production or a score of other professions for which a communications degree prepares you, you may want to earn that degree online. It is important to spend some time researching programs to make certain that the one you choose leads to a quality online communications degree that will get you noticed by employers.
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Top 10 Best Online Communications Degree Programs