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The editors at Best Communications Degrees decided to research the topic of: Online Revolution! How the internet has changed the worldThere are 2,405,518,376 internet users in the world, a 566.4% growth since 2000. As the users grow, the world changes. Hacktivism - the nonviolent use of legally ambiguous digital tools in pursuit of politically, socially, or culturally subversive ends- WikiLeaks - Not-for-profit media organisation that provides a secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information. - Released U.S. State department diplomatic "cables" - US assessments of host countries - 251,287 Classified documents from 274 American consulates, embassies, and diplomatic missions, around the world - "A foreign plot to destabilize Arab regimes...WikiLeaks publishes information written by lying ambassadors in order to create chaos." –Muammar Gaddafi - Initiated Arab Spring - Protesters got organized through facebook: - 1. spreading rebellious inspiration- videos and photographs of state brutality - 2. "the GPS for this revolution" Logistical information of where and when to protest - Egypt + Tunisia 60% of social networkers share political views - Only 34% across the world stage - Egypt +Tunisia +Lebanon + Jordan, 70% share community issues views - Only 46% across the world stage - Power of Trending - Overthrow of Egypt - tweets about Egyptian revolution - escalated from 2,300 (1 month before resignation) to 230,000 per day the week President Hosni Mubarak stepped down - Overthrow of Tunisia - Tunisian Bloggers covering Tunisian revolution - escalated from 5% (1 month before Ben Ali resigned) to 20% the day Ben Ali stepped down. You can be an expert in anything online...Hobbyist Revolution- YouTube: I’m an Actor! - professional actors [in US]: 66,500 - 1 trillion views in 2011 = 140 views per person on earth - 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month - 4 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube - 72 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute - Instagram: I’m a Photographer! 13% of all internet users are on Instagram - professional photographers [in US]: 139,500 - 90 million Monthly Active Users - 40 million Photos Per Day Pinterest: I’m crafty! 15% of all internet users are on Pinterest- 5 million stay at home mothers [in the US] - 25.3 million MAUs [latest results sept 2012] - 1,047% increase in YOY unique PC visitors - Women are 5x more likely than men - DoItYourself stats - 4.9% of all boards are DIY & Crafts - 9.6% of all pins are DIY & Crafts category WebMD - I’m a doctor!- Visual "Symptom Search: Headache" brain tumor- headache brain tumor - stomach ache HIV - etc - WebMD Traffic: - professional Physicians/surgeons [in US]: 691,000 - Today 107.2 million unique users per month increase of 22% over 2011 - 2.56 billion page views for the quarter (Q3 2012) increase of 24% over 2011 Feel the Learn! anytime, anywhere, any price.Education- Online classes: - 32% of higher-ed students (6.7+ million) take at least one online course - 77% of academic leaders rate the online learning outcomes as the same or superior to face-to-face learning. - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - Free online courses taught by Ivy League Professors - Hundreds of thousands of students from all over the world enroll every semester. - For MOOC students who had previously taken a similar class on a campus - 63% said MOOC was better - 36% found MOOC comparable - 1% said MOOC was worse - JSTOR has more than 4.5 million scholarly articles from nearly 800 academic publishers available online with a subscription. Sources- http://investor.shareholder.com/wbmd/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=718031&CompanyID=WBMD - http://journalistsresource.org/studies/society/internet/research-arab-spring-internet-key-studies - http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/06/assange-claims-credit-for-egypts-revolution/ - http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2013/Social-media-users/Social-Networking-Site-Users/Demo-portrait.aspx - http://www.repinly.com/stats.aspx - http://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html - http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/cb12-ff08.html - http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm ![]() |